Wednesdays at SRBC are the BEST! 

High School Students (9th-12th graders) meet every Wednesday in the Family Center Bottom at 6:45pm! Before you visit us in person check out below what our Wednesday nights are like! 

What to Expect 

Pre-Service Hangout

Do you like ping pong, foosball, or just simply hanging out with friends? Then join us as early as 5:30pm to spend time with each other!

Snack Shack 

Our Snack Shack is the best place to enjoy some student favorite snacks sold at cost, which means that $1 can go a long way!

Welcome & Games

We get our night started with a leader lead welcome, announcements if there are any, and a stage or group game with our students!

Student Lead Worship

Next we have a student band that leads our worship time. Interested in joining? Fill out the form below!


Our teaching time is practical teaching that addresses the real life issues that high school students are facing found in God's word! 

Small Groups 

After the sermon, students meet in small groups broken by gender & grade lead by adult volunteer leaders. All of our adult leaders have been background checked and trained. This is a great time to break down and apply God's word to the students' lives!

Current teaching series