Our Team

Meet the leadership team, administrative team, and custodial team of our church

Pastor Derek Parker

Derek and Stephanie have been at SRBC since 2015. After 4 years of serving as the Small Groups and Discipleship Pastor, Derek took over as the Lead Pastor in 2019. Derek and Stephanie have five boys and an energetic life. They have 3 sons in college attending Liberty University, one in high school, and their youngest is in elementary. They are active in the local foster/adoption system and have worked hard to build bridges and relationships into the community.
Since becoming Lead Pastor at SRBC, they have made it their passion to see the church minister to all generations lovingly and effectively, knowing that the church is at its best when all of the generations are present. For Derek and Stephanie, the church’s mission of “helping people find, follow, and share Jesus Christ” is not just a phrase but a passion.

Our Team

Pastor Derek

Lead Pastor

Tom Benefiel

Executive Pastor

Alex Bode

Pastor of Student Ministries

Caleb McClarren

Pastor of New Life Ministries/ Pasco Community Church

Terry Ribble

Director of Senior Ministries

Miguel Quintana

Pastor of Spanish Ministries

Renée Lindquist

Children's Director

Becky Vick

Nursery Director

Kyron Parker

Worship Director

Valerie Shumaker

Choir Director

Bryan Witof

Director of Groups

Chat Villacampa

Director of Member Care

Gavin Parker

Creative Director

Raisa Ross

Office Administrator

Emma Mitten

Administrative Assistant

Sandy Loeffler

Administrative Assistant

Amy Taylor

Student Ministries Assistant

David Merrill

Grounds and Facilities

Alysia Choppolla

Grounds and Facilities

Kyle Storie

Grounds and Facilities

Charlene McClintock

Grounds and Facilities

Kris Benefiel

Grounds and Facilities

Doug Green

Grounds and Facilities

Raphael Nunez

Grounds and Facilities