What We Believe

At Starkey Road Baptist Church we exist to help people find, follow, and share Jesus Christ

Our Mission

Our mission at Starkey Road Baptist Church is to help people find, follow, and share Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

The Church is God's people, those saved by the grace of God through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and baptized into the body of Christ through the Holy Spirit. The local church is God's people gathered together in order to edify and build each other up to send out the equipped to carry the gospel to all the world.

Our Strategy

Our mission will only be accomplished through the working of the Holy Spirit in and through the lives of God's people. We believe there are three things that every believer should make a priority: Corporate Worship, Small Group Discipleship, and Humble Service in a ministry. 

Our Desire is to:

Restore the broken; restore those disillusioned with the church back to the church; restore the lost to a saving relationship with Christ. Starkey Road is committed to praying, worshipping, and preaching the Word because we know that restoration comes only through Christ.
Equip the saints. We want our people to be equipped through discipleship, education, and service. This equipping comes from being in a worship service, committing to personal growth through a Community Group, and serving others with our unique gifting.
Send the church. The church is not a building but a people, and by sending the church we are sending followers of Christ into their communities and around the world. We desire that our people participate in short-term mission trips, that some would become full-time missionaries, pastors, and church planters, and that all would pray and share the Gospel in their own spheres of influence.

Learn More About What We Believe

If you are interested in knowing more about what we believe, you can read our full statement of belief below.

The Gospel

If you've ever wondered if you can know if there is a heaven, and if you can go there, the good news is that the Bible clarifies the answer.